Laguna unisex dressipluus 47,10 € +km
Laguna unisex dressipluus – stiili ja mugavuse suland, mis on mõeldud kõigile. Dressipluusil on optimaalse mugavuse tagamiseks lamedad kootud sooniku küljepaneelid ja keskmine eesmine V-sisustus, mis lisab tekstuuri ja iseloomu. Seda dressipluusi eristab V-kujuliste lamedate ribidega mansetid. Harjatud sisemus pakub pehmet, sooja ja mõnusat tunnet. Valmistatud 300 g/m² puuvillast, mis on segatud polüestriga, tasakaalustab loomuliku mugavuse vastupidavusega. Tänu BCI puuvilla integreerimisele tagab see dressipluus mitte ainult mugavuse, vaid ka jätkusuutlikkuse. BCI (Better Cotton Initiative) tähistab meie pühendumust vastutustundlikule henkele ja keskkonnateadlikule tootmisele.
116 laos
Level beanie 2,38 € – 4,84 € +km
The Level beanie is made from a 1×1 rib knit of acrylic, and its double-layered design provides extra insulation for those chilly days. The branded loop label adds a touch of sophistication. Whether you’re hitting the slopes or strolling in the city, stay cozy and fashionable with the Level beanie.
4645 laos
Makalu unisex soojustusega jope 26,12 € +km
Kerge veekindel jope. Kõrge krae ja reguleerijatega kokkupandav kapuuts. Mikrofliisist vooder. Ees tõmblukk ja lõuakaitse. Elastsed kätised. Kaks lukuga küljetaskut. Sisemine vasak rinnatasku. Eemaldatav etikett. Veekindel. Tuulekindel.
80 laos
Manu 5 paneeliga strech nokamüts
Manu 5 paneeliga strech nokamüts, mille nokk on juba kumerdatud, mis pakub olulist päikesekaitset. Tikitud aasad tagavad optimaalse ventilatsiooni, hoides sind tegevuste ajal jahedana ja mugavalt. Peaümbermõõt on 58 cm, mis tagab hea sobivuse enamustele. Metallist pandlaga sulgur tagab mugava reguleeritavuse, võimaldades saavutada ideaalse sobivuse. Valmistatud 300 g/m² polüestrist ja elastaanist, kangakombinatsioonist, mis pakub optimaalset paindlikkust.
2451 laos
Mepal Ellipse insulated lunch pot 47,50 € +km
Insulated lunch pot featuring two different compartments to keep the different ingredients separated. Both containers have a separate lid so that the ingredients doesn’t mix. Keeps food warm for 10 hours or cold for 16 hours. To ensure that the food stays hot or cold for as long as possible it is recommend to rinse the lunch pot with hot or ice-cold water before filling. The content of the top transparent container is 200 ml, which means that it can hold about 75 grams of solid food. The capacity of the bottom container is 500 ml. Made of durable material, and the outside of the pot stays cool and dry. Washing by hand is recommended. The plastic parts of the cap can be put in the dishwasher. Leakproof. BPA free. 2 years Mepal warranty.
612 laos
Mepal Take-a-break lunch box large 15,44 € +km
Large lunch box featuring a tight-sealing ring to keep the contents fresh and tasty. Suitable for 8 sandwiches. Divider included. The capacity is 1.5 liters. Dishwasher safe. BPA free. 2 years Mepal warranty.
2417 laos
Mica 6 paneeliga cool-fit nokamüts 8,10 € – 8,60 € +km
Mica 6 paneeliga GRS taaskasutatud materjalidest cool fit nokamüts – jätkusuutlik peakatte valik. Valmistatud 110 g/m² GRS-sertifikaadiga taaskasutatud polüestermikrokiust, pole see mitte ainult säästvam, vaid ka mugav. Tagapaneelidel on laseriga lõigatud augud optimaalseks ventilatsiooniks, mis hoiab teid välitegevuste ajal jahedana ja mugavalt. Mugavaks istumiseks mõeldud (peaümbermõõt 58 cm) metallist pandlaga. GRS-sertifikaat tagab 100% sertifitseeritud tarneahela alates toorainest kuni meie trükitehnikani, muutes selle jätkusuutlikumaks valikuks.
9289 laos
Mighty LED knit beanie 12,16 € +km
The Mighty LED knit beanie – a perfect combination of warmth and practicality. Made from a thick acrylic in a 1×1 rib knit, this double-layered beanie offers both coziness and warmth. But what sets this beanie apart is its innovative removable LED headlight, featuring three brightness settings. Conveniently tucked into the turn-back cuff, it can easily be removed for washing and recharged using a USB-A cable (not included). Whether you’re braving the cold or needing extra visibility in the dark, this beanie is your reliable companion for all adventures. Elevate your winter wardrobe with the Mighty LED knit beanie, where fashion meets function seamlessly.
2744 laos
Minsk unisex hübriid isoleeritud jope 28,34 € +km
Kahe kanga kombinatsioonis meeste jope: fikseeritud reguleeritud kapuuts. Raglan varrukad. Varrukad, küljepaneelid ja kapuuts softshell kangast. Ees ja taga tepitud sulgedest pehme kangas. Pööratud tõmblukk koos sobiva lõuakaitse ja tõmmitsaga. Kaks lukuga esitaskut. Sobivad elastsed ääristused kraes, kätistes ja allääres. Eemaldatav etikett. Tuulekindel mudel.
126 laos
Morion 6 paneeliga cool-fit nokamüts 3,38 € – 8,68 € +km
Morion 6 paneeliga cool-fit on valmistatud 110 g/m² GRS-i sertifikaadiga taaskasutatud polüestermikrokiust ning sellel on eelnevalt kumerdatud nokk, mis lisab klassikalist hõngu. Tagapaneelidel on laseriga lõigatud augud optimaalseks ventilatsiooniks, mis hoiab teid õues tegevuste ajal jahedana ja mugavalt. Mugavaks istumiseks mõeldud (peaümbermõõt 58 cm) metallist pannal, mis võimaldab hõlpsat ja turvalist reguleerimist. GRS-sertifikaat tagab 100% sertifitseeritud tarneahela alates toorainest kuni meie trükiteenuseni, muutes selle jätkusuutlikumaks valikuks.
3171 laos
Nepal unisex isoleeritud parka 43,80 € +km
Polsterdatud spordiparka. Tipuga kapuuts. Ees tõmblukk koos sobiva luikuotsiku ja lõuakaitsega. Elastsed kätised. Kaks lukuga küljetaskut. Sisemine vasak rinnatasku. Sisemine juurdepääs näiteks tikandiks. Eemaldatav etikett. Veekindel. Tuulekindel.
24 laos
Nokamüts Cerus kuue paneeliga 2,18 € – 4,94 € +km
Cerus 6 paneeliga cool fit nokamüts on valmistatud võrgust, millel on lahe viimistlus, 105 g/m² polüestrist. Mugavaks istumiseks mõeldud 58 cm peaümbermõõduga metallist pandlaga võimaldab hõlpsat ja turvalist reguleerimist.
Laost otsas
Onyx 5 panel Aware™ recycled cap 4,48 € +km
The Onyx 5 panel cap is made from 70% recycled cotton and 30% recycled polyester. It is designed for a comfortable fit with a head circumference of 58 cm, and the metal buckle closure allows for easy, secure adjustments. The cap incorporates Cyclo® recycled fibres where they use pre-sorted waste that determines the colour of the yarn. These fibres do not only reduce the demand for virgin resources but also exhibit a commitment to a circular life, embodying the essence of reducing waste and promoting a closed-loop system. Each cap also comes with an Aware™ tracer. This innovative feature allows users to trace the origins and journey of their item through a QR code, enhancing transparency in the supply chain and fostering a stronger connection between the product and its production process.
516 laos
Opal 6 panel Aware™ recycled cap 4,72 € +km
The Opal 6 panel cap is made from 70% recycled cotton and 30% recycled polyester. It is designed for a comfortable fit with a head circumference of 58 cm, and the metal buckle closure allows for easy, secure adjustments. The cap incorporates Cyclo® recycled fibres where they use pre-sorted waste that determines the colour of the yarn. These fibres do not only reduce the demand for virgin resources but also exhibit a commitment to a circular life, embodying the essence of reducing waste and promoting a closed-loop system. Each cap also comes with an Aware™ tracer. This innovative feature allows users to trace the origins and journey of their item through a QR code, enhancing transparency in the supply chain and fostering a stronger connection between the product and its production process.
2165 laos
Rigi helkurniidiga müts 10,68 € +km
Rigi mütsile on lisatud helkurdetailid, mis mitte ainult ei lisa teie välimusele kaasaegset ja dünaamilist hõngu, vaid tagavad ka selle, et jääte nähtavaks ja turvaliseks ka vähese valgusega tingimustes. 9-suuruse tihedusega polüestrist ja akrüülist valmistatud müts pakub vastupidavust ning pehmet ja hubast tunnet.
2805 laos
5654 laos
Siberia unisex softshell jope 35,02 € – 38,14 € +km
2-kihiline sportliku lõikega softshell: kontrastne keskne tõmblukk koos lõuakaitsega. Sisevooder kontrastsest mikrofliiskangast. Paremal rinnal välistasku diagonaalselt nähtamatu lukuga. Kaks nähtamatu lukuga küljetaskut. Vasakul varrukal tasku. Varrukatel ja allääres sobiv elastne ääris. Kokkupandav kapuuts kontrastse mikropolaarse voodriga. Eemaldatav etikett. Veekindel. Tuulekindel.
9 laos
Solaris sun hat 2,52 € +km
The Solaris sun hat – perfect for sunny days and outdoor adventures. Designed to fit comfortably with a head circumference of 58 cm, this hat offers both style and sun protection. Made from 175 g/m² cotton twill, it provides a lightweight and breathable feel, keeping you cool even in the hottest weather. Its classic design and quality materials make it a versatile accessory for any outdoor occasion. Protect yourself from the sun’s rays while staying stylish with the Solaris sun hat, the ultimate blend of fashion and function.
104975 laos
Spire beanie 7,44 € +km
The Spire beanie – where style and comfort come together. Made from 100% acrylic in a classic 2×2 rib knit, this beanie ensures a snug fit and enduring quality. It has a timeless design, characterized by the pattern of raised vertical lines. Embrace both warmth and fashion with the Spire beanie, the perfect accessory that offers stretchiness and flexibility for a comfortable, adaptable fit.
3090 laos
Styx 5 panel sandwich cap 2,90 € +km
The Styx 5 panel sandwich cap has a pre-curved visor with a sandwich design, blending fashion and functionality seamlessly. Made from 175 g/m² cotton twill, it offers both durability and a soft breathable feel. The embroidered eyelets provide enhanced ventilation, keeping you cool during your pursuits. With a head circumference of 58 cm, it provides a comfortable fit for various head sizes. The fabric hook and loop fastener allow for easy and secure adjustments.
9700 laos
Surrey unisex kampsun 39,68 € +km
Surrey unisex crewneck kampsun – harmooniline segu stiilist ja mugavusest. Lame kootud soonik, mis lisab selle ajatule atraktiivsusele kaasaegse hõngu. Harjatud sisemus tagab erakordselt pehme, sooja ja hubase tunde. Satiinist õlg-õla teip ei suurenda mitte ainult vastupidavust, vaid lisab ka peent rafineeritust. Kvaliteetsest puuvilla ja polüestri kombinatsioonist valmistatud kampsun kaaluga 300 g/m² tagab nii stiili kui ka mugavuse erinevatel puhkudel. Tänu BCI puuvilla integreerimisele tagab see kampsun mitte ainult mugavuse, vaid ka jätkusuutlikkuse. BCI (Better Cotton Initiative) tähistab meie pühendumust vastutustundlikule hankimisele ja keskkonnateadlikule tootmisele. Surrey kampsuni valimine tagab jätkusuutlikuma valiku.
85 laos
Topaz 6 paneeliga nokamüts 1,98 € +km
Eelnevalt kumerdatud nokk. Tikitud aasad ventilatsiooniks. Tri-glide metallist pandlaga. Pea ümbermõõt: 58 cm.
Laost otsas
Trona 6 paneeliga nokamüts 3,50 € – 4,58 € +km
Eelnevalt kumerdatud nokaga. Tikitud aasad ventilatsiooniks. Tri-glide metallist pandlaga. Pea ümbermõõt: 58 cm.
1173 laos
Trucker 5 panel cap 1,18 € – 2,58 € +km
The Trucker 5 panel cap is a classic trucker cap with 100 g/m² polyester jersey foam at the front, and breathable polyester mesh at the back. This cap features a convenient plastic closure for a secure fit for a head circumference of 58 cm, ensuring a comfortable and customised feel.
21543 laos
Trucker 5 panel cap
The Trucker 5 panel cap is a classic trucker cap with 100 g/m² polyester jersey foam at the front, and breathable polyester mesh at the back. This cap features a convenient plastic closure for a secure fit for a head circumference of 58 cm, ensuring a comfortable and customised feel.
Vinson organic cotton unisex hoodie
Unisex hoodie in organic cotton and recycled polyester. Kangaroo style pocket. Single jersey lining in hood. Round adjustable drawcord and embroidered eyelets. Cuffs and waistband in 2×1 ribbed fabric. Removable label. Individual recycled packing. The male model is 185 cm and is wearing size L, and the female model is 168 cm and is wearing size S.
15 laos